Phase II of the Regional Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Plan for SBCTA includes extensive interagency coordination, synthesis of local agency and school parent recommendations, and preparation of detailed and grant-ready planning materials. The Phase II built upon SRTS strategy findings and recommendations compiled by the SBCTA in Phase I and worked on the County’s most disadvantaged or geographically isolated communities. The goal of the planning process was to update the Non-Motorized Transportation Plan (NMTP) for the County with additional pedestrian and Safe Routes to School components.
KOA conducted outreach and planning at each of 55 schools across San Bernardino County, approximately 10% of all public schools in the county, where engineering recommendations could be made for comprehensive safety upgrades to the active transportation networks surrounding each school. The project team along with school staff and parents conducted walk audit workshops involving more than 800 participants—supplemented with 400+ classroom tallies of students and 8,000+ family surveys. The Plan provides San Bernardino County cities and towns with data and engineering resources that they may use in pursuit of implementation funding to mitigate the identified school network issues most significantly impacting student walking and biking opportunities to school.