KOA developed a Safe Routes to School (SRTS) Master Plan for all 19 elementary, middle, and high schools located within Indio. The plan was based on five community workshops, walking safety assessments at each school, student travel tallies and parent surveys, and input from a variety of stakeholders. KOA prepared a vision and policy statement, a community engagement action plan that included a summary of the public input process, descriptions and characteristics of each school, a description of the existing travel environment and barriers, proposed improvements to increase active transportation, and a phased implementation plan. The master plan integrated health, fitness, traffic relief, environmental awareness, and safety, as suggested by the California Department of Public Health. The plan included a list of priority projects; encouragement, enforcement, education, and engineering strategies; a time schedule for phased implementation strategies; a map of the areas covered by the plan; and an explanation of how the program would be evaluated. The plan identified next steps, including environmental work, permitting, and preliminary engineering.