KOA was recently selected by the City of Colton to complete the PA/ED and PS&E for the On Ramp Improvement project. Funded by SHOPP Minor A fund, the City desires to widen the I-10 eastbound on-ramp to accommodate safe truck turning movements. The proximity of the Union Pacific Railroad and the Santa Ana River basin on the south side of the project could influence the project design development. It is important to lay out the UPRR Railroad right of way during the preliminary design phase. Our goal is to avoid impacts to UPRR ROW and the overcrossing bridge. The project requires coordination with Caltrans; preparation of Fact Sheets as well as obtain an encroachment permit from Caltrans District 8. The proposed improvement includes installation of retaining wall, embankment, ramp widening, striping, and traffic signal modification. KOA will also assist the City during the construction phase of the project.